Bahasa Melayu @ Bahasa Malaysia?
(I will use Bahasa Melayu instead of Bahasa Malaysia as "Takkan Melayu Hilang di dunia")
Tujuan saya menulis post pada kali ini adalah bertujuan untuk memertabatkan penggunaan Bahasa Inggeris di Malaysia seiring dengan saya yang mengambil jurusan Bahasa Inggeris (TESL) di Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). Dengan tertimbulnya isu berkenaan PPSMI (Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Sains dan Matematik dalam Bahasa Inggeris), maka, tugas sebagai seorang guru semakin berat dan semakin mencabar. Rasionalnya, kenapa kerajaan tidak memilih untuk memilih bahasa lain sebagai bahasa rasmi didalam pengajaran Sains dan Matematik? Anehnya, kenapa masyarakat masih memikirkan bahawa jika belajar Bahasa Inggeris, maka secara automatiknya anak-anak mereka akan terikut sama dengan budaya Inggeris? Sebagai seorang yang masih mentah untuk membicarakan soalan tersebut, saya hanya mampu untuk memberikan analogi yang mudah untuk difahami: "Ianya seperti menanam sebatang pokok...setahun-dua sibuk membaja...lama-lama berbuah jua...". Mari renungkan bersama.
"Takkan Melayu Hilang di dunia"
Jika difikirkan bersama, adakah bahasa menjadi penghalang untuk anda maju didalam hidup anda? Jika dilihat, adakah anak-anak Malaysia sering menggunakan Bahasa Inggeris sebagai bahasa pertuturan seharian. Mungkin ada yang menjadikan English sebagai bahasa pengantar, namun hanya sebilangan sahaja. Saya masih tertanya-tanya, kenapakah jika kita mahu berfikiran sedikit liberal, kita sudah dilabel macam-macam. Apekah rasionalnya? PPSMI adalah peluang kepada anak-anak Malaysia untuk belajar bagaimana hendak berkomunikasi sebagai seorang yang berlabelkan international kerana Bahasa Inggeris adalah bahasa pertuturan yang difahami di dunia. Lagipun, inilah masanya mereka hendak menambahkan ilmu didada, di alam persekolahan.
Istilah-istilah Sains sememangnya berbunyi pelik dan sukar untuk difahami apabila ditranslate ke dalam Bahasa Melayu. Apabila pelajar tidak faham akan apa yang di ajar didalam Bahasa Inggeris, maka tugas guru adalah untuk menerangkan kepada pelajar tersebut didalam Bahasa Melayu. Disitu terdapat kesinambungan di mana kita masih menggunakan Bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa pengantar. Kan itu lebih baik? Cuba bayangkan apabila anak-anak yang masih muda tidak mampu untuk menguasai Bahasa Inggeris dengan baik dan apabila mereka masuk ke alam yang lebih mencabar dimana Bahasa Inggeris dijadikan bahasa pengantar sepenuhnya, mereka akan tertinggal jauh di belakang. Bagi mereka yang tidak memahami bagaimanakah susahnya menjadi seorang pelajar, mereka akan mengatakan bahawa PPSMI ini adalah membuang masa dan tidak sesuai untuk sistem pembelajaran Malaysia.
Sebenarnya, isu ini tidak lah seserius yang disangkakan, namun, ia telah diperbesar-besarkan. Kita masih mempunyai akal yang waras dan minda yang sihat. Kerajaan tidak akan membuat sesuatu yang dirasakan tidak ada kepentingan pada masa hadapan. Sebagai seorang bakal guru Bahasa Inggeris, saya merasakan bahawa penggunaan Bahasa Inggeris adalah penting pada masa hadapan kerana ia adalah salah satu kemahiran jika anda mahu menjadi lebih cemerlang pada masa hadapan. Bukanlah maksudnya jika kita menggunakan Bahasa Melayu kita akan mundur, namun ilmu yang baru itu lebih baik untuk dikongsi bersama.
Masih banyak lagi topik-topik dan rasionalnya di sebalik PPSMI ini. Namun, ini hanyalah sekadar kesedaran yang saya rasakan patut untuk dikongsi bersama.
(Why did I write this post using Bahasa Melayu instead of English? It's kind of ironic as I were telling people on how important English is, while I'm using Malay language? Well, it's just my idea on how to ease people to understand as my English is still not a flare English. People sometimes can be iffy, but not me.)
As what Muhammad Haji Salleh said:
"Should I lick the hand that strangle my culture and my language?"
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Texting is the New Calling!
Texting is the new calling, which means there's a whole new battleground for romance -- and a new set of rules to play by. Start your flirty texting education here, with advice from Debra Goldstein and Olivia Baniuszewicz, authors of "Flirtexting: How to Text Your Way to His Heart."
#1: DO say the words text me when you give out your number to a new guy. Giving a new guy your number and telling him to call can be iffy. Start with a text.
#2: DON'T just text "Hi." Even if the only reason you're texting him is because you're thinking about him, this kind of short and shy flirtexting typically leads nowhere.
#3: DO text him back within 24 hours. Anything beyond that reads "I'm just not that into you -- or your texts."
#4: DON'T purposely send him a "mis-text." Women tend to use this move as a way to make single men jealous. But he'll see right through your needy outreach and move his texts on to the next.
#5: DO ask him out over text. If you like him, gauge his interest by sending a light-date invite without hesitation. Try: "Don't know about you, but I predict I'll be starving after work Thursday. Dinner?"
#6: DON'T kid yourself. If he only texts you past 10 P.M., he's probably looking for an encounter you'd rather avoid. The late-night flirtexter does not want to date you. Respond at your own risk.
#7: DO use the phone on certain occasions. For instance, if he calls you and you like him, you absolutely must return the call. Texting back in response to his call reads uninterested.
#8: DON'T go overboard with abbreviations and acronyms. Things like "MTFBWU" (May the force be with you) and overzealous "LOL" usage should be reserved for texts with your tween cousin or BFF, not to a PBF (potential boyfriend).
#9: DON'T send a sensual message before you are in an exclusive relationship. Doing this puts your secret fantasies at a high risk of being forwarded to all of his male coworkers.
#10: DO learn how to send him into the friend zone. Throwing a "Buddy," "Pal," "Kiddo" or "Sport" somewhere in your texts usually accomplishes this. If he's smart, he'll take the hint. Girls interested in dating him don't typically call him "Kiddo."
#11: DON'T text your ex. This rule is especially important to remember when you're feeling lonely and vulnerable.
#12: DO send a thank-you text, post-date. Even if there were no sparks, it's just proper flirtext etiquette. But if you had the best date ever (we're talking full-on fireworks), call him the next day to say thanks. If he felt the same way, he will definitely appreciate the reassurance!
#1: DO say the words text me when you give out your number to a new guy. Giving a new guy your number and telling him to call can be iffy. Start with a text.
#2: DON'T just text "Hi." Even if the only reason you're texting him is because you're thinking about him, this kind of short and shy flirtexting typically leads nowhere.
#3: DO text him back within 24 hours. Anything beyond that reads "I'm just not that into you -- or your texts."
#4: DON'T purposely send him a "mis-text." Women tend to use this move as a way to make single men jealous. But he'll see right through your needy outreach and move his texts on to the next.
#5: DO ask him out over text. If you like him, gauge his interest by sending a light-date invite without hesitation. Try: "Don't know about you, but I predict I'll be starving after work Thursday. Dinner?"
#6: DON'T kid yourself. If he only texts you past 10 P.M., he's probably looking for an encounter you'd rather avoid. The late-night flirtexter does not want to date you. Respond at your own risk.
#7: DO use the phone on certain occasions. For instance, if he calls you and you like him, you absolutely must return the call. Texting back in response to his call reads uninterested.
#8: DON'T go overboard with abbreviations and acronyms. Things like "MTFBWU" (May the force be with you) and overzealous "LOL" usage should be reserved for texts with your tween cousin or BFF, not to a PBF (potential boyfriend).
#9: DON'T send a sensual message before you are in an exclusive relationship. Doing this puts your secret fantasies at a high risk of being forwarded to all of his male coworkers.
#10: DO learn how to send him into the friend zone. Throwing a "Buddy," "Pal," "Kiddo" or "Sport" somewhere in your texts usually accomplishes this. If he's smart, he'll take the hint. Girls interested in dating him don't typically call him "Kiddo."
#11: DON'T text your ex. This rule is especially important to remember when you're feeling lonely and vulnerable.
#12: DO send a thank-you text, post-date. Even if there were no sparks, it's just proper flirtext etiquette. But if you had the best date ever (we're talking full-on fireworks), call him the next day to say thanks. If he felt the same way, he will definitely appreciate the reassurance!
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