Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Same Thing - Whatever

I don’t expect this to be happened.

The ironies are; you’ve been here, you suited yourself in your most comfortable zone and yet, you still act silly as you were. Just like the old time, how lame!

Here’s the problem.
Well, it’s not kind of a big problem but still, yes, it is a problem.
I don’t think people nowadays are still in the third-class-minded. Did they?
Because I thought being a human is about maturity, not eccentricity.

Extrovert and introvert (The atypical label instead of impulsivity and reflectivity).
For me, I am in the middle. I’m on the thicker side as opposed to the thinner side. I am not an orthodox person; it’s just my personal choice. So, which one are you in?

Anyway, back to the basis.
I just can’t stand with those stupid people who love to bark and it sounds suck. Yeah, they sucked and so do their thoughts, everything didn’t work on them.

I don’t give a damn. I don’t give a shit. I don’t really care and I don’t entertain clowns. I embraced myself and I do respect others.

Practically, the terms idiots are just nice to those monkeys and clowns out there. I don’t know, maybe it’s just my feelings but who cares? I still want them to be labeled as those.

To the root its back, to the future it holds.
My axiom told me not to, but still, my amygdala speaks louder and I can’t see why I have to please other people while I am not happy with myself! Pardon me? I am no different.

I choose neither my future nor my past, but my present; my now.

Predictable doesn’t always mean boring.
Lust doesn’t always mean love.
Near doesn’t always mean close.
New doesn’t always mean exciting.
Different doesn’t always mean better.
Far doesn’t always mean distance.
Knowing everything doesn’t make you wise.
Knowing the truth doesn’t make you superior.
Knowing your problem doesn’t solve it.
Sitting between you past and your future, doesn’t mean you’re in the present.

I think I’m falling in love. Involuntarily blessed with something people spend their entire lives searching for. Lucky me.

I think I made the most original decision of my life. I chose to be one. Well, life is short and I’m going to enjoy to the fullest. The end.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera

Bahasa Melayu @ Bahasa Malaysia?
(I will use Bahasa Melayu instead of Bahasa Malaysia as "Takkan Melayu Hilang di dunia")

Tujuan saya menulis post pada kali ini adalah bertujuan untuk memertabatkan penggunaan Bahasa Inggeris di Malaysia seiring dengan saya yang mengambil jurusan Bahasa Inggeris (TESL) di Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). Dengan tertimbulnya isu berkenaan PPSMI (Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Sains dan Matematik dalam Bahasa Inggeris), maka, tugas sebagai seorang guru semakin berat dan semakin mencabar. Rasionalnya, kenapa kerajaan tidak memilih untuk memilih bahasa lain sebagai bahasa rasmi didalam pengajaran Sains dan Matematik? Anehnya, kenapa masyarakat masih memikirkan bahawa jika belajar Bahasa Inggeris, maka secara automatiknya anak-anak mereka akan terikut sama dengan budaya Inggeris? Sebagai seorang yang masih mentah untuk membicarakan soalan tersebut, saya hanya mampu untuk memberikan analogi yang mudah untuk difahami: "Ianya seperti menanam sebatang pokok...setahun-dua sibuk membaja...lama-lama berbuah jua...". Mari renungkan bersama.

"Takkan Melayu Hilang di dunia"

Jika difikirkan bersama, adakah bahasa menjadi penghalang untuk anda maju didalam hidup anda? Jika dilihat, adakah anak-anak Malaysia sering menggunakan Bahasa Inggeris sebagai bahasa pertuturan seharian. Mungkin ada yang menjadikan English sebagai bahasa pengantar, namun hanya sebilangan sahaja. Saya masih tertanya-tanya, kenapakah jika kita mahu berfikiran sedikit liberal, kita sudah dilabel macam-macam. Apekah rasionalnya? PPSMI adalah peluang kepada anak-anak Malaysia untuk belajar bagaimana hendak berkomunikasi sebagai seorang yang berlabelkan international kerana Bahasa Inggeris adalah bahasa pertuturan yang difahami di dunia. Lagipun, inilah masanya mereka hendak menambahkan ilmu didada, di alam persekolahan.

Istilah-istilah Sains sememangnya berbunyi pelik dan sukar untuk difahami apabila ditranslate ke dalam Bahasa Melayu. Apabila pelajar tidak faham akan apa yang di ajar didalam Bahasa Inggeris, maka tugas guru adalah untuk menerangkan kepada pelajar tersebut didalam Bahasa Melayu. Disitu terdapat kesinambungan di mana kita masih menggunakan Bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa pengantar. Kan itu lebih baik? Cuba bayangkan apabila anak-anak yang masih muda tidak mampu untuk menguasai Bahasa Inggeris dengan baik dan apabila mereka masuk ke alam yang lebih mencabar dimana Bahasa Inggeris dijadikan bahasa pengantar sepenuhnya, mereka akan tertinggal jauh di belakang. Bagi mereka yang tidak memahami bagaimanakah susahnya menjadi seorang pelajar, mereka akan mengatakan bahawa PPSMI ini adalah membuang masa dan tidak sesuai untuk sistem pembelajaran Malaysia.

Sebenarnya, isu ini tidak lah seserius yang disangkakan, namun, ia telah diperbesar-besarkan. Kita masih mempunyai akal yang waras dan minda yang sihat. Kerajaan tidak akan membuat sesuatu yang dirasakan tidak ada kepentingan pada masa hadapan. Sebagai seorang bakal guru Bahasa Inggeris, saya merasakan bahawa penggunaan Bahasa Inggeris adalah penting pada masa hadapan kerana ia adalah salah satu kemahiran jika anda mahu menjadi lebih cemerlang pada masa hadapan. Bukanlah maksudnya jika kita menggunakan Bahasa Melayu kita akan mundur, namun ilmu yang baru itu lebih baik untuk dikongsi bersama.

Masih banyak lagi topik-topik dan rasionalnya di sebalik PPSMI ini. Namun, ini hanyalah sekadar kesedaran yang saya rasakan patut untuk dikongsi bersama.

(Why did I write this post using Bahasa Melayu instead of English? It's kind of ironic as I were telling people on how important English is, while I'm using Malay language? Well, it's just my idea on how to ease people to understand as my English is still not a flare English. People sometimes can be iffy, but not me.)

As what Muhammad Haji Salleh said:
"Should I lick the hand that strangle my culture and my language?"

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Texting is the New Calling!

Texting is the new calling, which means there's a whole new battleground for romance -- and a new set of rules to play by. Start your flirty texting education here, with advice from Debra Goldstein and Olivia Baniuszewicz, authors of "Flirtexting: How to Text Your Way to His Heart."

#1: DO say the words text me when you give out your number to a new guy. Giving a new guy your number and telling him to call can be iffy. Start with a text.

#2: DON'T just text "Hi." Even if the only reason you're texting him is because you're thinking about him, this kind of short and shy flirtexting typically leads nowhere.

#3: DO text him back within 24 hours. Anything beyond that reads "I'm just not that into you -- or your texts."

#4: DON'T purposely send him a "mis-text." Women tend to use this move as a way to make single men jealous. But he'll see right through your needy outreach and move his texts on to the next.

#5: DO ask him out over text. If you like him, gauge his interest by sending a light-date invite without hesitation. Try: "Don't know about you, but I predict I'll be starving after work Thursday. Dinner?"

#6: DON'T kid yourself. If he only texts you past 10 P.M., he's probably looking for an encounter you'd rather avoid. The late-night flirtexter does not want to date you. Respond at your own risk.

#7: DO use the phone on certain occasions. For instance, if he calls you and you like him, you absolutely must return the call. Texting back in response to his call reads uninterested.

#8: DON'T go overboard with abbreviations and acronyms. Things like "MTFBWU" (May the force be with you) and overzealous "LOL" usage should be reserved for texts with your tween cousin or BFF, not to a PBF (potential boyfriend).

#9: DON'T send a sensual message before you are in an exclusive relationship. Doing this puts your secret fantasies at a high risk of being forwarded to all of his male coworkers.

#10: DO learn how to send him into the friend zone. Throwing a "Buddy," "Pal," "Kiddo" or "Sport" somewhere in your texts usually accomplishes this. If he's smart, he'll take the hint. Girls interested in dating him don't typically call him "Kiddo."

#11: DON'T text your ex. This rule is especially important to remember when you're feeling lonely and vulnerable.

#12: DO send a thank-you text, post-date. Even if there were no sparks, it's just proper flirtext etiquette. But if you had the best date ever (we're talking full-on fireworks), call him the next day to say thanks. If he felt the same way, he will definitely appreciate the reassurance!


Sunday, May 31, 2009


Sesuatu perkara yang terjadi mungkin mempunyai sebab, dan mungkin tidak.

Kadang-kadang, hati dan perasaan menjadi mainan hidup. Setiap manusia mempunyai perasaan sayang terhadap sesuatu perkara. Sayang, adakah hanya sementara ataupun untuk selama-lamanya? Alangkah indahnya jika hati dan perasaan tidak mampu untuk membenci sesuatu. Namun, ia masih terjadi dan kita hanya mampu untuk mengikutnya. Cinta dan sayang kepada Allah adalah cinta yang sejati dan berkekalan.

Kebenaran itu pahit untuk ditelan, dan apa yang kita harapkan tidak semestinya akan kita dapat. Apekah yang mampu anda lakukan bagi mengubah diri anda? Anda tidak akan mampu selagi kecekalan dan ketabahan tidak diiringi sekali dengan niat.

Mungkin, hidup tidak selalunya indah. Namun, tidak salah untuk mencuba untuk menikmati kehidupan yang hanya kita kecapi untuk sekali sahaja didalam hayat ini.

Saturday, May 30, 2009


The TRUTH is here. It’s just, UNJUST.

How do we deal with feelings and loves? Are they really exist? Since when?
Did the hatred bury within us? Can we resist it? Tell me!!

I never felt that love is truly evolved in one’s relation. It’s only the medium to express our feeling. I am not being chauvinistic, but I can see nobody is care about feelings anymore!

I hate liars! I hate hypocrite people! I hate double-faces person! I hate all of them!
The severe consequence is to me as I am the hatred cyst!

OMG! I just realized that honesty is the best policy! Duh~ is it? I didn’t see any in the real life. What are they made of? Cheating and flirting? Oh my! That was rubbish!

I’m just being myself. Not more and not less. I am what I am. Those people who hate me so much, I don’t mind. You have the rights to do so, and I don’t give a damn! I live with my own and swap your ass because sometimes, you need to move on to see who you are.

Sometimes, the TRUTH is a lie.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Coretan di kala Busan

sekarang jam menunjukkan pukul 1.23 pagi. aku masih lagi berjaga. bukanlah perkara pelik pabila aku berjaga sehingga waktu begini. aku bosan. mata sudah agak ngantuk, namun aku tetap ingin menulis sesuatu didalam blog ku ini. sudah lama rasenyer tidak di update yer. mendengarkan lagu 'unstoppable' oleh kat deluna, perasaan ngantukku semakin hilang kerana lagu ini sungguh catchy. namun, aku akan tidur juga nnt.

sepanjang hari ini, aku memikirkan tentang banyak perkara. ouh, berkenaan kereta, tmpt lahirku, ceramah solat jumaat td n mcm2 lagi. terlalu byk untuk diperkatakan. apekah yang merunsingkan aku? ya! keputusan peperiksaan yang telah aku hadapi. ya Allah! bantulah aku. aku dah berusaha sedaya upaya, namun, hasilnya tidak memberansangkan. semester ini boleh dikatakan agak buzeh yer. ape buzeh itu? ouh! samela dgn makne sengal yer. aku risau dan aku redha.

melihat koleksi perfumeku, aku terleka sekejap. agak banyak dan apabila dikira-kira, jumlahnyer melebihi seribu ringgit. apekah motif aku menghabiskan duit hanya pada wangian2 ini? ini adalah minat dan juga nafsu. nafsu yer! sangat jahat! namun, aku puas hati. tujuan seterusnya adalah menukar handphone. yang pasti, duit aku akan banyak digunakan apabila handphone baru dibeli. aku bukanlah jenis yang mudah puas dgn apa yang aku ada, akan ade bnde2 lain yang akan menyusul. namun, aku tidaklah boros. aku cuba juga untuk menyimpan memandangkan ekonomi sekarang semakin merosot. ouh! aku terlupa, aku masih ada lagi simpanan! yahoo!

upm ialah tmpt belajar aku yg akan datang. tidaklah diketahui betapa hebatnye kolej kediamanku nnt. harapnya, tiada lah anasir jahat yang akan mengganggu. aku kuat. aku lemah. apekah? masih lagi teringat akan masa orientasi di kala mendaftar buat pertama kalinya. teruk! itulah yang sesuai untuk diberikan kepada fasi2 yang buzeh(sila refer diatas maksud word ini). ouh! aku malas hendak belajar. aku nak duit, aku nak kaya. wah! igt ade teko jin? kalau ade, semestinya manusia akan menjadi malas seperti lembu.(kesian lembu jugak yg kene)

aku sakit leher sekarang, terlalu tekun menulis entry ini. cewah! amboi, salah ke aku nak berkawan dgn sape2? manusia semakin bongkak dan riyak. aku masih tergolong diantara golongan2 yang aku sebutkan sendiri. kenapa? sbb aku ni berlagak. kawan2, ye ke aku berlagak? *sigh*

cukuplah luahan aku buat malam+pagi ini. dengan tiba-tiba, aku terasa ngantuk dan mahu tidur. mungkin kerana keletihan dan kedinginan air-cond yang dipasang pada suhu 16 darjah celcius. (gilo ke?) aku seperti di kutub selatan. sejuk!

akan bersambung pada hari esok. salam. beredar.

Thursday, April 30, 2009


what should i do if i have a lot of money?

u tell me!


p/s: MyrrNadia, i borrowed ur word, Ouh!!

Sejuk & Panas

aku minum air sejuk, rase sejuk.

minum hot tea, rase panas.

air cond itu sejuk, tp matahari panas.

kenapa hati boleh jadik 'panas' even bile berada dekat igloo?

hmm..sekadar pintasan idea.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


betol ke aku eja omelet tuh? men bantai jer..xde la..saje nak citer nih..mase aku antar rumate aku yg terchenta balek ke kampung beliau, smpt la aku membeli sandwich kat dunkin donut tok dijadikan brekpes aku..mase org tu ngah wat sandwich aku, ade la aku tgk mamat ni wat omelet telor dgn simple sekali..maybe korang da tau kot care ni, tp aku x..kekdahnyer, die kacau telor ayam tu mcm bese dalam mangkok..n then letak tah pape la..mende2 nak dijadikan sedap la..tu pun nak ckp ke? haha! pastu la kan, die masukkan la ke microwave..lalu diletakkan mase selama 40 saat untuk di masak..bile je microwave tu berbunyik n omelet tu dikuarkan, hasilnye sgt la memeranjatkan! jadik korang omelete tuh..masak dgn jayanyer..hahaha! kagum jap aku..xtau leh masuk telur cmtu jer tanpa gune minyak at all..sehat korang! cube la yer pasni! tp jgn amalkan mkn telur selalu! hikss...daaa~


The question now is should I say it out loud, or should I keep the secret within myself. I was young; I knew what will be happened if we are having the contradicting idea from the others. I knew it was hard, but I tried. I try my best to fit in my mind. The torque of having the truth is tremendous as I could see the strings are weakening day by day. I didn’t realize that something is made of honor; the glimpse of these phenomena is stunning. People can utter their words, but you yourself are the one who face the destiny. I couldn’t care less if they want to say bad things about me, but definitely not to someone else. I might be cruel in terms of conveying the exact meaning of my speech, but I know the consequence is great. Is your sexuality decides what are you going to be or you choose what are you going to be? This question had been in my head since the last time I read Dina Zaman’s book; ‘I am Muslim’. What I would like to highlight here is the odd of creating the other world of truth, you succumb to both parties to please everybody. I am tired of being so kind to the people, I sometimes want to see how world is going on without good people in there.

The result of being snobbish is terrible. I simply try to make things become better. In fact, I would make myself as a scapegoat to the other’s faulty. Everyday, I keep thinking what love is all about. I cannot find the true answer. The irresistibility of liking someone somehow brings more harm than the good ones. Plato once said, “Only the brave will lead”. I doubt it. What kind of brave is he talking about? Is it something that we can face it or the guts came from our within. Occasionally, being alone is better. Avoidance, it is the best way I think right now to make myself free. I tried very hard and it is very painful. I did say before that the string of my relationship is weakening day by day and that was really ironic. I didn’t see any changes of ours as it seems like we need each other. I am supposedly being away but indeed, the situation didn’t make any difference. Should I open the inquiry of suspicion in the soothing environment? I am not the type of ruining other’s life. Oh God, why it is so hard being a human being. I confess to me, I kill me by my very own tenets; trusted people. I doubt if I died today, would someone cry for me rather than my family? I need an answer. I know people can change and so am I. But still, the fun in yet to be existed.

I am in uncertainties, I am worrywart and I am very emotional; sometimes. After about such a time, I need to loath the feelings that I had before. I remind myself, look at the bright side. I sigh. It is a genuine feeling, or it is just my tenets that I have to look at the outer site. Eventually, these things are simple. A tree doesn’t shake if there is no wind or precisely, how come a human would change into someone else in order to please the other side of people? It is nearly impossible. I cannot force people simply loving me. What a non-sense! Sometimes, we need a relief; we need a shoulder to cry on. Well, the development of the process of becoming a true person in still at risk. I appreciated what people have done to me. The voice whispered softly to my ears, and I can feel the warmth of love in there. It is the biggest fan of all the time, now it’s the time for me to face the truth.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Circle Of Life

Life isn’t so good when we always think about it. Do we know our self? How do we need someone in life, and, heretofore, we are still here; restless. A miscellany human beings indeed, of course, looking for something new, something that outstands them. Hereby, a power of will seems mishmash because money is everything. Wars, hatred, revenged, etc are sort of core of the unspoken story life. The Enormous sin is hypocrite. I do foray myself to be known all over the world, such in political makes me realize that something is made for someone. Taking everything at a relaxed blues tempo that is just shy of somnambulant, the world is getting worse. Egocentrism deem in the shades of glass; in the eye of people. I live in abattoir, I see people killing people, and I see someone killed someone merciless without being told. I dreamt about acerbity talk, by someone sweet, made me think juxtaposition. They are dilettante when it comes to judgment. I was a habituĂ© to this place so-called peaceful country; Malaysia. Now, I see, a black bitch is just released from the cage and looking for something worthy. He has obsessive-compulsive disorder, what a pity; poor him. Who is he? I couldn’t care less. I saw a young woman with a lot of energy and pizzazz. I envy her. Of what? Of her courage to speak up to public, she managed to go out peacefully. When I got into my tantrum, I shall speak dirtily. I move my ass to him, I see, my games, my rules. When someone is reluctant to make it happen, now that’s it. I could be nasty, which I’m not; don’t get bitch, get even. Shall I move my mask to something that is out of moralization, or peek-a-boo to the opportunity that was around us. He is indigent. He is moron. He is uncivilized. I said it’s ossifying, and he became wild, effrontery. Damn! Nobody cares. Even now, I couldn’t care less. I am free, not being racist. Oh, it’s a harsh isn’t? I am no longer a chap, I am a new man. I faced such obstacles; I presumed that nothing is forever. God has created such a wonderful creation; human being...a diaphanous cloth of pale gold. It’s empty. Silence is wise. When he’s going into tantrum, then people will see, how much does he gain by saying rubbish. I was here, I was a flamboyant, I knew, human being is such a big-sin-commitment-person. Did I look like I am playing? Of course not. Oh my God, I love the person so much. I knew it sounds a little bit down-turn-over, but I know that person loved me so. How did I know? Life isn’t so bad. It taught me to get the guts, to be a different person. ‘This’ huff me. It is just the matter of time. I did not see any convenience when someone is hexing someone. What I could see is the consequences, the bad and the whole nine yard of questions. It is dubious when I talked nicely. Well, something did not come for free. Whether you take it or leave it. It is very firm and crystal clear. The crowdness of people is harshly disputed by means. My mood in the middle of aging in the certain class has been done perfectly with the help of the guts and also the fear of possibilities. The boat that has sunk in the deep ocean is deeply forgotten. From the best, it’s now the worst. The eyelet of the look of shimmering horizontal way of communicating has been spread by the radar, obviously by our own instinct. The purposes of having such a waste time in order to have someone that we like are useless. I still believe in love, neither to have it sooner or later, nor been taken by someone that is just in front of our eyes. I am confused. I do really feel humble to the certain extent where human being is just a human, nonetheless they are something mighty. The excerpt of having the child after we’ve been tied is similar to ask about your roots. Do we still confuse? I may be afraid of the anti-social illness, however, it’s now been settled by the conjunction of mankind. The dizziness in my mind has taught me into something that bothered the people. They started to worry, to be alert of. Are you trying to seduce me? Oh well, the words are here. It begins with the confidence, and it ends with the difficulty. Wider perspective of considering the good and bad influences has been established with the sense of guilty; thus innocently light up. The spotlight is in individual, the combination results verities. The outcomes of what you have learnt may be come into something that is out of context. Well, the constructivism of the subject that I got is determined by the words. Off the shell, I moved on. The next stage is the period of giving the nice things precisely about the attitude, our faith actually. Dogs in the same street barks alike. They were like pretending they don’t know anything, yet claimed that they can conquer the world. Bullshit man! I’m not condemning them; some of them are good enough to say it out loud. However, some is worse, even sucks! Responsible is only the medium to pay your dignity, not your soul. You are running from the realities of the world, it is such an issue to be bold off. Not many people are here to guide you, not all of them are nice person. I didn’t make mountain over the hills. I do not foreign my roots just only to say that I am a great man. I am just being myself, a humble person.

Friday, January 30, 2009

aku menyampah!!!

mlm ni da kene balek jb! ishh...yg paling mencikk sekalik, udah la nek bus,pastu plak bus tmbhn..kekdahnyer tiket bus biase da abes..duh~~~ xtau la cmne nnt..tu la,sape suh balek??*dialog pdankan muke sendiri! =p* sabau je la aku..xpe,jnji smpai jb..nnt kat sn aku nak shopping puas2 n mkn puas2..(mcm selama ni mkn xpuas je). n plus, udah la test n esaimen menunggu2 aku..dah la aku mls nak bc buku.xbace papepon lagi.hamek ko! nnt tiru miru tiramisu jer!!!muakakakaka... =p kaki aku yg saket da maken harap2 pasni akan fully recovered..kalo nak balek cmni la aku rase, xsedap ati memikirkan bus2 yang akan aku naek..last time, it was soooo nightmare nek bus yg mcm hape jer!!!i wish kali ni xkan jadi lagi la..dah la,mls nak pk lg..let it be..well, ni la sesi luahan hati dikala perot aku yg montel ini kelaparan..hihi..sudehh!!! daaaa~~~
*muke ala2 xpuas ati la kononnyer...huehuehuhe..tah pape*

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Ralat la pulak~

tetibe pk balek nak tuka attire mase hi tea nnt..da beli bj kt British India tp mcm x masuk konsep pasni, nak carik cardigan nak pkai ala2 Daniel Craig mase gi award gitu..hikss...kunun la kan...

Friday, January 23, 2009

Pak Cik Kayo~!!!

elaun da masuk kekdahnyer..pasni leh la gi jln2 n shopping sakan! muahahahaha...

Love Spells

Bring Someone Close Spell

There is any number of ways to do this spell. You can drip water (preferably Full Moon Water) on photos of you and your beloved. You can set a candle in a bowl of water and allow it to burn until the water extinguishes it. You also may want to use Come to Me oil and/or incense for the spell. However you do it, visualize your beloved arriving from afar to find your love!

Sacred water flow from me
To draw him ever near
As endless rivers run to sea
His path to me is clear.

A love that's true once here he'll find
And know his journey's end.
And in his heart and soul and mind He'll know our lives should blend.

Spell To Be Seen More Attractively

Fill your bathtub with water and scatter some fresh rose petals in it. Light some vanilla candles and/or incense. As you lie in the water, meditate on the image you would like to project and say these words:

Earth, Air, Fire, Sea
Let the Goddess' beauty
Shine through me..

note: aku saje je publish bende ni..dpt dr mane tah..aku pon xtau..rase mcm sweet jer,sbb tu la aku post kat xyah nak try kot..nnt kang jadi syirik plak..its just 4 bacaan umum..ok..adios~

*aku sendiri xphm nape aku post bende ni sbb mmg sah2 xbleh nak ikot. tingtong kot! hihi..*

~Cerita Cinta Agong~

Setapak melangkah,
Dua langkah ingatan kanda pada dinda,
Adinda bersumpah,
Jikalau kekanda tidak kembali,
Adinda akan menyusul kekanda…

Tanah mana yang aku pijak,
Berdirinya aku,
Kasih berguguran,
Pasir mana yang aku genggam, erat tanganku,
Semakin layu bunga berkembang,
Bumi yang luas, aku seorang…

Laksana insan haus dahaga,
Bertemu air satu telaga,
Kanda teguh memegang janji…

Saya hanya menuruti kata hati,
Itu hak saya,
Hak setiap manusia,
Hak untuk memilih…

Kuhinakan diriku sendiri,
Untuk merengkuhkan cinta sejati,
Cintamu bagai cahaya mentari yang membakar wajahku,
Meski sekilas kurasakan,
Namun, akan menjadi bekal sampai akhir zaman,
Aku juga mencintaimu…

Sekecil burung kedidi,
Adinda terbang ke hati kekanda,
Mengharapkan cinta menggunung,
Jika patah sayap rajawali,
Bertongkat jua kanda ke mari…

IF (Inevitably Friction)

In a perfect world
If only I could achieve everything that I wanted before...
If only I could be a great person even it's hard to become true...
If only I could be as honest as I am! What the heck???
If only I could go back to the days and correct all my mistakes...
If only I could say that 'I love u' to the person that I adored very much...damn!
If only I could talk nicely so that I don’t make any argument with my own life...
If only I could do the best to the person that i loved the most, my parents...
If only I could make the world better, by hating it...
If only I could stop people from shifting the fact that I am gorgeous! OMG~! What the fuck??
If only the world is war-less and have some respect towards another’s...
And if only I can be myself towards my whole life...white lies...


Here by, i would like to announce that i am officially entering the world of blogging! hahaha!